Dear employees and customers
Managing time effectively is one of the important issues that many institutions pay attention to. Transportation is the leading factor of increasing work efficiency. Nowadays, the biggest problem of personnel transportation is the loss of the time. Research in developed countries of the world shows that timing is very important in terms of productivity.
It is our most important duty to carry the company personnel to their work, home and loved ones in peace, in Istanbul where the traffic is always intense. We consider improving and renewing ourselves, in order to meet our customers’ wishes and expectations, as our main objective in terms of customer satisfaction and we modernize our vehicle fleet in accordance with the conditions of the day. By providing their comfort and safety, we carry 200 thousand personnel everyday with our fleet of 8.000 vehicles, thanks to our expert staff.
We started to provide sales and service of commercial vehicle service with main dealers of Volkswagen and Seat which we purchased on 01.01.2015. In addition, with the DOD dealership, we provide safe and secure vehicle buying and selling services in the second hand.
In 2006, we started to make a difference in the sector with Fleet Car Rental service. As of today, we provide operational leasing services to approximately 220 organizations with 6.000 vehicles.
We always set out from the idea that the institutions and people we serve are worthy of the best of everything, we aim to provide excellent transportation and maintain our leading position in the sector.
We would like to thank all our employees, business partners and customers for their efforts and contributions in the successful results we have achieved.